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KVC and Collection Operators

KVC, known as Key-Value Coding, is a coding style where properties and methods of an object are accessible via string identifiers. For much comprehensive detail and definition for key-value coding, read the apple docs.

In NSFoundation framework, any NSObject subclass automatically conforms NSKeyValueCoding protocol. To derive a better understanding of KVC, I personally prefer to dive in code examples.

Simple KVC

KVC basis includes two essential methods valueForKey: and setValue:ForKey:

Person *person = [Person new]; = @"John Smith";
[person valueForKey:@"name"]; // John Smith

[person setValue:@20 forKey:@"age"];
[person valueForKey:@"age"]; // 20

The above example works just because the class Person has accessor methods/properties named name and age. If we were asking for the value of key fullname which is not defined in Person interface, we would get this error.

[person valueForKey:@"fullname"];
//'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<Person 0x7ffdd9d183e0> valueForUndefinedKey:]: 
//this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key fullname.

Another method, valueForKeyPath: allows to access nested properties on the receiver object:

[object valueForKey:@"property.anotherProperty.yetAnother"];

Showing in our person example:

Person *child = [Person new]; = @"Jane Doe";
person.child = child;

[person valueForKeyPath:@""]; // JANE DOE

Notice that key-value coding includes not only properties but also no-parameter methods. uppercaseString is not a property of NSString but also accessible via KVC.

KVC methods on collections results a new array which consists of objects pointed with the keyPath. If we had an employees array for instance, we could call

[employees valueForKeyPath:@"phone.model"]; // [@"Apple",@"Samsung", @"HTC",@"Blackberry"]

and get another array including phone models of employees.

Collection Operators

According to the documentation;

Collection operators allow actions to be performed on the items of a collection using key path notation and an action operator.

Predefined collection operators are:

  • @avg
  • @count
  • @max
  • @min
  • @sum

And notation for collection operators are shown in the docs:


Let’s express them with some examples, consider a our person object:

@interface Person : NSObject

@property (nonatomic,strong) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSNumber *age;
@property (nonatomic) int height;
@property (nonatomic,strong) Person   *child;


and a random people array:

Name Age Height
John 30 180 cm
Kelly 15 176 cm
Simon 24 196 cm
Chris 3 100 cm
Person *john = ...
Person *kelly = ...
Person *simon = ...
Person *chris = ...

NSArray *people = [john,kelly,simon,chris];

[people valueForKeyPath:@"@avg.age"]; // 18
[people valueForKeyPath:@"@avg.height"]; // 163
[people valueForKeyPath:@"@max.age"]; // 30
[people valueForKeyPath:@"@min.height"]; // 100
[people valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.age"]; // 72
[people valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.height"]; // 652


The first line with a collection operator is [people valueForKeyPath:@"@avg.age"]. Here the path @avg.age is a virtual path, calculating the average value of the property age.

Here is the secret behind the scenes:

  • @avg virtual path first calls [people valueForKeyPath:@"age"]
  • That call results in a new collection of NSNumbers, [@30,@15,@24,@3] in our example
  • After that, generates the average value of that array.

Similarly we can average the height out by calling the key path @avg.height.

@max, @min and @sum is self-explanatory, they are all used to make calculations a property of and item in the whole collection. @min for instance, we could also write the same expression as follows:

NSNumber *max = @0;    
for (Person *person in people) {
    if (person.age.integerValue > max.integerValue) {
        max = person.age;
// max = 30

Collection operators are not only reducing our code, also adds more readability to it.

Object Operators

Like the collection operators, object operators applied to a single collection instance.

  • @distinctUnionOfObjects
  • @unionOfObjects

@distinctUnionOfObjects eliminates the duplicated items according to the specified key path. Let’s assume we have an array with duplicated items:

NSArray *items = @[@"iPhone 6s",@"Samsung",@"Samsung Edge",@"iphone",@"iPhone 6s",@"Samsung"];

[items valueForKeyPath:@"@distinctUnionOfObjects.self"]; // iPhone 6s,@"Samsung",@"Samsung Edge",@"iphone"

Notice that self after the operators cause the operators run on the object itself.

Explained in the docs, the leaf object (here is self ) can not be nil for @distinctUnionOfObjects operator.

@unionOfObjects basically does the same as we call

[items valueForKeyPath:@"self"]; 

therefor duplicated are not removed, and no special behavior also.

Array and Set Operators

There is also another bunch of operators, @distinctUnionOfArrays, @unionOfArrays, @distinctUnionOfSets, which operates on arrays or arrays. Sample code using the people array above, explains better:

NSArray *workers = @[john,kelly,simon,chris];
NSArray *friends = @[john,alice,chris];
[@[workers,friends] valueForKeyPath:@""]; 
// [@"John",@"Kelly",@"Simon",@"Chris",@"Alice"]

[@[workers,friends] valueForKeyPath:@""]; 
// [@"John",@"Kelly",@"Simon",@"Chris",@"John",@"Alice",@"Chris"]

@distinctUnionOfSets operates exactly the same as @distinctUnionOfObjects, except they are used on NSSet instances.

Bonus: Custom Operators

Despite there is no documentation from apple on customizing operators, Nicolas Bachschmidt showed a way to implements custom operators.

Let’s create a @multiply operator, which multiplies every item specified with the keypath, returns the result.

In order to create a custom operator, we must know what the operators do behind the scene.

For instance @avg operator, calls _avgForKeyPath: on its receiver. Same for @min, it calls _minForkeyPath: on its receiver which is an NSArray instance.

Therefore if we would have a method called _multiplyForKeyPath:, then we can use @multiply operator for an array of NSNumber instances.

@interface NSArray (Multiply)

- (NSNumber *) _multiplyForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath;


@implementation NSArray (Multiply)

-(NSNumber *)_multiplyForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
    NSArray *values = [self valueForKeyPath:keyPath];
    float result = 1.0f;
    for (NSNumber *number in values) {
        result = result * number.floatValue;
    return @(result);

Finally, the usage of our new @multiply operator:

[@[@3,@2.2,@1] valueForKeyPath:@"@multiply.self"] // 6.6

You can extract as many operators as you want, depends on your imagination. An example of an advanced operator is

[people valueForKeyPath: @"[distinct].{age<10}.name"];

which is impossible with the current implementation, but kicks and idea what custom operators look like in the future.

Honestly I doubt this code is totally safe for AppStore App validation, but for the next version in iOS, hopefully we will find much broad implementation on operators.

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Selim Bakdemir



Selim Bakdemir

iOS Developer - Peak Games

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